by Walter Metzen | Jan 9, 2014 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Detroit Bankruptcy attorney, disclosing assets in bankruptcy
Can you blame your bankruptcy lawyer if an asset is left off your bankruptcy petition? The short answer is yes, you can blame your lawyer, but ultimately you are responsible for properly listing and disclosing assets in your bankruptcy schedules, so unless your...
by Walter Metzen | Dec 10, 2013 | credit card after filing bankruptcy, Credit Card Debt, Credit Score, filing bankruptcy in Michigan, Life After Bankruptcy
I recently filed bankruptcy in Michigan. How do I get a credit card? One of the most common questions I get while counseling one of my bankruptcy client’s is “I need a credit card, I’d like to keep at least one of my credit cards after filing. Can I keep one of...
by Walter Metzen | Dec 4, 2013 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Credit Score, Detroit Bankruptcy attorney, Improve credit score after bankruptcy
How to Improve Your Credit Score After Filing Bankruptcy in Michigan In my 28+years of practice as a Michigan bankruptcy lawyer, one of the most common questions or concerns I get from my clients is “How can I improve my credit score after filing bankruptcy?” and...
by Walter Metzen | Dec 2, 2013 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Detroit Bankruptcy attorney, Detroit Bankruptcy Blog, Michigan Bankruptcy Attorney, Reaffirmation agreements
Credit Unions and Bankruptcy in Michigan As a Michigan bankruptcy attorney, I have noticed that my bankruptcy clients love their credit unions. They often have been with the credit union a long time and may even have developed some personal relationships...
by Walter Metzen | Oct 17, 2013 | Detroit Bankruptcy attorney, Detroit Bankruptcy Blog, Detroit Bankruptcy Lawyer, disclosing assets in bankruptcy, filing bankruptcy in Michigan
Proper Disclosure of Prepetition and Post-Petition Assets in Michigan Bankruptcy Petitions Walter A. Metzen Consumer Bankruptcy Attorney, Law Offices of Walter A. Metzen, Bankruptcy Attorney Detroit , Michigan Abstract: Fundamental to the concept...